
SpeenWelcome to our website

Welcome to the village website for Speen in Buckinghamshire – run by villagers for the village. 


King William IV – Change of Use
A Planning Application has been submitted for Change of Use from a Pub to a Private Dwelling of the King William. The relevant background is fully explained in the attached document written by the Save the King William Group (Click Here to read it). You can also view the application detail itself and register to add your comments by clicking on This Link which takes you to the relevant Wycombe Area Planning page for this application (23/07884/FUL).

The Save the King William Group has opposed the application.  If it is approved then our pub will be gone forever.  Now is the time to act and the more villagers who register objections to this application the better.  Your help to prevent this happening is requested. Please use any of the information in the above attached document in your representations to Buckinghamshire Council.
According to the Planning page, the deadline for submitting comments is Friday 2nd February, however we have been advised that representations may be accepted as late as Thursday 15th Feb.
Better to submit your comments sooner than later.

Thank you!
Save the KWIV Group

Copy of Rebuttal Statement filed by the Save the KVIV Group on 10th March Click Here

The Property section
A little used section of the website, you could even try using the section to say you are moving and putting your own house on the market, you never know, you might even avoid the normal estate agent etc. selling fees.

Playing Field Draw Results
The June & July 2024 draw results are now available. Click here to have a look to see who won each of these and earlier draws.  These monthly draws are an important fund raiser to support the maintenance of Speen Playing Fields.

Visit the Speen Festival 2023 website here

The latest guidance about this is in the SEAG Group pages, but click here to go direct to the new list, or click here for a printable version to keep handy!

Helping others in High Wycombe who cannot help themselves through these difficult times.
Click Here to read what you can do to help now.

Speen Stores & Post Office is now run by Ranjan and his family – Come and support the shop serving our community. NEW OPENING TIMES from Monday 24th June 2024
Monday to Saturday – Open at 7am – Close at 8pm
Sunday – Open at 9am – Close at 6pm

The official Post Office opening times
are as follows:-
Weekdays – 8:30 to 1:00
Saturday – 8am to 1pm
Sunday – closed (However, the shop itself is open from 9am to 6pm on Sundays)
However, you may be able to get many PO services at other times as well!
One of the most valuable services that our Post Office provides is Banking. You can treat our Speen Stores Post Office almost like your own bank branch, and you can use it for both personal and business banking.
More information about Speen Post Office Banking Services Here

Speen Message Board

A web based message board for Speen was set up back in 2002 and is still going today.
Click on this link http://speenbucks.proboards.com/ or copy the address into your address 
bar to access it.