
Houses and cottages, both large and small, are always coming up for sale or to rent in Speen. Residents of the village can place brief particulars on this page. This will show when the property was first listed, and provide details of who to contact for further information. This website accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the description provided nor whether the property is still available, or the people are still looking.
Planning Applications are also regular occurrences, so hover on the Property button above and click on Planning Applications in the drop-down menu.

Date Details
1 May 2023 LOOKING
I would like to rent somewhere in the Speen area. I’m looking for an annex or something similar. If you can offer anything, then please send me an email to Many thanks, Jane.
28 March 2019 LOOKING
We are currently renting in Speen, we love the village and would really like to stay. If anyone is thinking of selling soon we would be delighted to hear from you. We are chain free buyers looking for a 3/4 bed house or happy to take on any project. Many thanks, Richard 07956974058
16 August 2018 LOOKING
We are currently renting a property in Studridge Lane. We love the area and are keen to purchase a detached property in the village preferably with a generous garden that is in a safe location. This is supported by a substantial budget. If, therefore, anyone locally is considering moving or possibly a move in the not too distant future, we would love to hear from them to discuss any sale opportunities. Please contact Bob on 07809 281737
18 April
A three bedroom house has become available to rent from Bucks Housing Association Ltd under the Rural Exception Scheme. Address is 2 Laurel Close. Deadline – Monday 24 April
Click on these two links for More Details and an Application Form.
8 April 2017 LOOKING
We are urgently looking for a house to rent in Speen for my daughter and two children (boy/girl) who  go to Speen school
We live in Village and wish to help with children so our daughter can work full time. A three bedroom property would be perfect.
Please call 01494 488211
25 April 2016
8 April 2017
We are still looking for a 2+ bedroom character property to purchase – happy to extend/renovate. Reasonable garden in village/edge of village setting.
Please call 07813 902642