Speen Fete 2010

Speen Fete 2010 Review

A review of the fete is now available – click here

A message from the Fete Committee

For those of you who attended the Fete – a BIG Thank You – (and an invitation to help organise next year’s Fete! – contact Amanda on 488887).

Thank you also for putting up with all the cars that were parked outside your homes and in the streets, and to the many people that manned the stalls, served the teas, entertained the children, helped set-up and clear up afterwards – including the marquee team.

There have been some very favourable comments received from those attending from outside the village about Speen, the Fete, and the welcome they received here yesterday.


For those of you that missed the helicopter fly-in or want to re-live this amazing event, please see a video round-up from Ian Warr here.  Other (less professional) attempts here and here.

The  2010 Speen Village Fete            Saturday July 10th

Flying in on July 10th at 9.30 will be a Puma Helicopter from RAF Benson. It will arrive with a full crew and flight engineers and they will be available to answer all your questions about its performance, munitions and procedures. The aircraft will be open for all to inspect and perhaps sit in the pilot’s seat.

The theme of this year’s fete is ‘Youth in Action’. We want to provide the young people of the village with the opportunity to find out more about some of the local organisations that might interest them. There will be an ‘Avenue of Youth’ covering most ages where local groups will have representatives available to show the activities they are involved with and to answer questions. Some of those taking part are the

Air Cadets, Sea Cadets, Army Cadets and Girl Guides. The St John’s Ambulance Brigade want to involve 6-9 year olds in their work and will be on hand to give information and answer questions. This is a real chance to speak, on your doorstep, to those already involved with these organisations and find out first hand about the exciting activities undertaken and the skills that can be learned.

The charity we are supporting this year is the Thomas Ball Children’s Cancer Fund. Thomas, while only nine and himself diagnosed with cancer, was a prolific fundraiser helping other children. The main objective of this local charity is to relieve sickness and distress among children suffering from the disease.

As well as some of the traditional fete activities there will be a fancy dress display and a colouring competition. Children are also being encouraged to grow a sunflower and a prize will be awarded to the tallest on the day.

There will be displays in the arena. First in the defensive martial art of Karate and later an exhibition of Street Dancing, both by local clubs.

Make a note of the date in your diary and come along and enjoy the fun. Help is always needed so if you can assist us on the day or before please contact Amanda Dobbs (amanda.speen@btopenworld.com , 01494 488887) or William Summers (summersw@btinternet.com , 01494 488344).