Scouts and Girlguiding

Welcome to Speen Scout HQ

The Scout HQ and grounds, located at the junction of Chapel Hill and Coleheath Bottom, are used by Scouting and Girlguiding but the facilities are also available for hire by other selected young people’s activity groups. For more information, please contact Pauline on

Scouts are do-ers……and give-it-a-go-ers

We question and listen and form wide open minds. We take a deep breath and speak up. We think on our feet. See the big picture. Ignore the butterflies and go for it. We get back up and try again. We think about what’s next and plan for it. We jump in, get muddy, give back and get set.

We’re Scouts and everyone is welcome here. All genders, races and backgrounds. Every week we give almost half a million 6-25 year olds the skills they need for school, college, university, job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dreams; the skills they need for life.
Sounds fun? Worthwhile? It is. But don’t just take our word for it. Why don’t you join us?

For more information on scouting in Chiltern Vale, please contact the District Commissioner Clare on or for the local Scout Group Naphill and Hughenden, contact Adrian on

Girlguiding – exceptional experiences for girls
                        and young women

With guiding girls have fun, adventure and the space to discover their potential. They go to their first ever sleepover, canoe on rivers, learn about body confidence, and lead their own camp. Or sometimes they simply have fun and try new things with friends.

Girls take what they do in guiding with them as they grow up. Everything from working in a team, to taking the lead, to speaking out on issues they care about. It helps them develop the skills and confidence to become the young women they want to be and to make a difference to the world around them.

Girlguiding is well represented with three units meeting at the Speen Scout HQ:
          Brownies (age 7-10)
          Guides (age 10-14)
          Rangers (age 14-18)

If you are interested in a place for your daughter in any of these groups go to:
To find out more or organise a visit to a meeting: Brownies;
Guides; Rangers